で、それに対して「yes this is my account」(はい、私のアカウントです)と答えると、
「May I ask if do you have other steam account aside of that?」(それ以外に他のSteamアカウントをお持ちですか?)としつこく聞いてきます。
「No, what do you mean?」(いいえ、何が言いたいんです?)というとようやく本題に。
「Anyway sorry for bothering you here but I really need to talk to you right now coz I accidentally reported you for having duped items instead of someone who deceive me before and I was wrong about it coz the deceiver has the same profile as you so I thought you deceive me I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that.」
「I see, well, there are times like that」(なるほど、そういう時もある)と返すと
「For fraudulent report the steam admin said that you could get suspended he said if there’s no further action coming from you he will continue the process suspending your account.」
「Can you help me to fix this?」(これを修正するのを手伝ってもらえますか?)
「What should I do?」(どうしたらいい?)と返しました。
「It was never my intention to create such an uncomfortable situation, but can you help me explain to the administrator that this is just an error I.D?」
(このような不快な状況を作るつもりはありませんでしたが、管理者にこれが単なるエラー ID であることを説明していただけませんか?)
「I understand that I cannot undo the report from my carelessness, but I want to assure you that this will never happen again I don’t want you to be banned, so can you please help me revoke the report?」
「I reported it to steam so don’t worry The rest is up to management」(Steamに連絡したから安心しな、あとは運営次第)
「Please help me to add this Steam administrator [リンクは安全のため未転載] ,and if he accept your friend request just tell him that you will file a complaint on this issue.」